Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tripping the Garden Lights Fantastic!

With the advent of LED lighting, Garden lights are arguably about to experience a revolution limited only by your imagination. Low in voltage, inexpensive to operate and no heat emission opens new windows to the creative mind in an exploration and experimentation of merging LED string, light bulbs, fluorescent and spot lights with ordinary household items to produce some fantastic results. In truth, I had expected that we would have experienced sweeping changes already with LED lighting by replacing the standard light bulb, but has only just begun as indicated finally by the Christmas light selection this year which far surpassed the regular Christmas lights, and lowering their value by half as oppose to barely having 20 percent of last years selection being LED. As a result Asian countries like Thailand and China have taken the lead in LED technology and all that comes with it including house and garden, inside and out. Some of the garden light selection and the forms they come in have often left me drooling. For example, check out some of the lights on this site []

In this photo, the greenhouse is illuminated by fluorescent colored lights, which I usually change to different colors during the different seasons. In front are some flower lights that were attached to threaded steel rods about 10 feet long. The flexibility in the rods, makes the flowers bob around in the wind just like real plants do. String lights of dragonflies, flowers and butterflies decorate the threaded steel rods.
All sorts of accessories are now coming out as fast as the different lights. Fluorescent light bulbs for example now have attachments to use the light bulbs to spot light. You can save some significant dollars by buying led and fluorescent lights on line, and....if your really handy, all of the parts to build your own led lights , led bulb by bulb are out there. This site offers some explanation that's worthy of a look. []In the meantime while we wait for the availability, prices and kinks to play out, there are a few combinations of string lights and glass objects such as vases that produce some garden accent lighting that will raise the curiosity of your garden guests. Fiber optic, or Led string lights stuffed in a cobolt blue vase either turned over or capped off, will give the appearance the vase is filled with fluid.Florescent tube protectors have all sorts of possibilities. They come in color too! Pictured, are clear fluorescent tube protectors, with rope or string lights inside, topped off with theme string lights such as flowers and leaves. An LED garden globe with changing colors gives the appearance of a moon in the back ground.

An old glass elephant a friend of mine was desperate to get rid of, found it's way into the garden, atop a clay vase with and led spot light inside.

Clear LED string lights from Big Lots seemed boring, so after a trip to Houston Art Supply and a purchase of glass paint, transformed the lights to something more my taste. Because LED lights produce no heat, the paint ticks like a charm.
As more on line LED businesses open, prices are becoming more competitive. Like anything, it can be pricey, but with the right combination and lighting subjects, you can make a couple of effects go a long way.

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